
DuckDuckGoose – DeepDetector

Image | Video | API Support

DuckDuckGoose's DeepDetector is a tool that can quickly and accurately detect different types of fake or artificially generated images and videos, including deepfakes.

Who Can Use It:

This tool can be used by companies, social media sites, news sources, government offices, and regular people to recognize and remove fake images and videos.

It is useful for a range of applications:

  • Identity verification systems.
  • Detecting fraudulent visuals used for scams or misinformation.
  • Checking user-submitted content on websites/apps.
  • Journalism fact-checking.

How It Works?

The DeepDetector first extracts all visible faces from the input image or video. 

It then analyzes these detected faces using AI algorithms trained on hundreds of thousands of real and deepfake examples to identify subtle patterns and artifacts indicative of manipulation like face swaps or lip-syncing. 

Based on this analysis, it provides a probability score of the input being a deepfake along with an "Activation Map" visualization to explain its reasoning.

Key Features:

  • Real-time detection.
  • Customizable API for integration into existing systems.
  • Robust against advanced/unknown deepfake attack methods.


  • Cost and accessibility barriers for smaller organizations/individuals.



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