TrueBees AI image detector tool. Website screenshot.
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TrueBees – Deepfake Detector


TrueBees is a tool designed to detect and block fake AI-generated face portraits on social media. 

Who Can Use It:

  • Media Professionals: Including press agencies, freelance journalists, and media outlets, to facilitate quick and reliable image verification.
  • Legal Professionals: Lawyers and legal advisors use it to validate the authenticity of images used in legal contexts.

How It Works?

TrueBees detects AI-generated images using a combination of digital media forensics and blockchain technology. 

It employs sophisticated algorithms to perform forensic analysis on images, particularly those depicting human faces, to ascertain their authenticity. 

The results are securely stored on a blockchain, ensuring data integrity.

Key Features:

  • Enhances verification integrity by storing data securely on blockchain.
  • Allows seamless integration (via API) into existing systems for automated checks.
  • Intuitive and straightforward to use.


  • Currently only detects fully synthetic face portraits.
  • Cannot yet identify partially edited images or non-photorealistic art/graphics.



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