
Reality Defender – AI Detector

Content | Image | Video | Voice | API Support

Reality Defender is a platform that offers tools to detect deepfakes and AI-generated content across different media types like images, videos, audio, and text.

Who Can Use It:

Reality Defender's tools are designed for professionals in various sectors, including finance, government, and media, who need to combat fraud, misinformation, and other risks posed by AI-generated content.

How It Works?

The platform uses an ensemble of models and hundreds of patented techniques to robustly analyze content and determine its authenticity. 

  • For images, it examines them at the pixel level, employing multiple models to assess if they have been manipulated by AI. 
  • For videos, it analyzes each frame and scene to detect deepfakes. 
  • It can also identify AI-generated audio, such as voice clones, and synthetic text created by large language models.

As an output, the platform provides actionable results, indicating the probability of AI manipulation, allowing users to take informed steps.

Key Features:

  • Multiple models to detect AI-made audio, video, images, text.
  • Probability scores instead of yes/no answers.
  • API integration with existing systems.

Limitations and Considerations:

  • No pricing provided publicly.



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