
PlagScan – Plagiarism Checker

Plagiarism | API Support

PlagScan is a versatile plagiarism checker that allows users to check the authenticity of a text by scanning it for potential plagiarism.

Who Can Use It:

It's designed for students, educators, and professionals who need to verify the authenticity of their texts. 

How It Works?
PlagScan utilizes advanced algorithms to compare your text with millions of documents online, as well as articles from cooperating publishers and documents uploaded by other users. 

PlagScan supports all common file formats, making it accessible for various types of documents.

The software can process texts in any language that uses UTF-8 encoding, ensuring broad linguistic coverage.

Key Features

  • Generate interactive browser reports or printable PDF files.
  • Your documents remain confidential.
  • Can compare texts against private repositories and a plagiarism prevention pool.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • API integration.


  • Limited source database coverage.



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