
OpenL – AI Content Detector


OpenL's AI content detector is a user-friendly tool designed to help identify text generated by AI.

Who Can Use It:

It is suitable for a wide range of users, including educators, publishers, and content managers.

How It Works?
The AI Content Detector utilizes specialized algorithms to analyze your text in real-time. 

It scans for patterns and characteristics commonly found in AI-generated content, allowing you to quickly determine if the text has been created by an AI or written by a human. 

Key Features:

  • Free to use with a limited daily allowance of 10 scans and 5000 characters.
  • Real-time analysis provides instant results.
  • Identifies text generated by popular AI models like ChatGPT, GPT-4, and Google Gemini.
  • 30% education discount available for students and teachers with an edu email address.

Limitations and Considerations:

  • Limited technical details provided about underlying algorithms/models.



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