
Deep Media – DeepID

Image | Video | Voice | API Support

DeepID by Deep Media is an advanced deepfake detection tool designed to identify and combat deepfake threats across audio, video, and images.

Who Can Use It:

DeepID is designed for businesses, organizations, media platforms, government agencies, and individuals who need to verify the authenticity of digital audio, video, and image content against potential deepfake manipulation or synthetic generation.

How It Works?

Audio Deepfake Detection

  • DeepID analyzes audio characteristics like pitch, tone, and spectral patterns to identify audio manipulated by deepfake technology. 

Video Deepfake Detection

  • The software examines each video frame, analyzing facial expressions, body movements, and visuals. 

Image Deepfake Detection

  • DeepID scrutinizes images for pixel modifications, artifacts, inconsistent lighting/shadows, and other manipulation signs.

Key Features:

  • High Accuracy - best-in-class accuracy for detecting even sophisticated deepfakes.
  • Easy Integration - can be accessed through a web app or API.

Limitations and Considerations:

  • Lack of transparency around underlying algorithms and performance metrics.



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